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Happy New Year! If you've found yourself here on the Musical Walkabout blog, I can commend you for being a super person with an interest in socially engaged community projects - good for you, you hearty soul!

Please feel free to read my other blogs to hear more about what the project has accomplished in its first two years so far, but right now I'm looking forward. After such a turbulent year, globally, it’s a good time to take stock, experience gratitude, and see how we might help our fellows.

Having completed my first successful funding bid in 2016 for Arts Council England, I now find myself in the exciting position of scanning the horizon for the next awesome organisation/charitable trust/philanthropic individual to lend their support to the Musical Walkabout. In the next three weeks I have two separate Dementia conferences to attend and present at in Kent, an opportunity to make new friends, connect with new clients and colleagues, and learn new ways to improve the service the Musical Walkabout provides.

This involves something I passionately care about and continue to get better at - blowing the horn of this beautiful project! The more people I can reach the better. Be they a family member of a participating resident, a like-minded person who cares about rectifying social isolation, or a decision-maker in a funding body.

Which means you can do something to help, right now, just sitting there, reading this blog!


That simple.

Show one friend the film on this websites’ homepage. That’s one new friend the Musical Walkabout has made. Ask that they share it, and on and on and on it goes…

The best way we can tackle the scary and very real problem of social isolation in our communities, whether that occurs through dementia, poverty, war, illness or infirmity, is to shine a light on it. And then do something to help. That might be sharing this blog, the film, going to a dementia cafe, volunteering at your local Age UK or similar, help out at a day/drop-in centre - crumbs, the ways are endless!

You’ll also have noticed, a donate app has been added to the homepage. If you would like to help keep the Musical Walkabout going with a donation, know that whatever the sum, the money will directly contribute to the musical engagement of an elderly or isolated member of this community we call humanity. I currently do most of my minstrel-ing in Shepway. I hope I can share the project on a more global scale as the scope of this project broadens.

And it will.

As ever, feel free to share your thoughts and experiences with me here, or on the Facebook page

Thanks for reading, and keep singing!



Musical Walkabout

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